Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sure, if you say so...

Have you ever found yourself at your physicians office, at your wits end, just saying, "yeah, sure doc, if you say so". It is when you get to that point where you are tired of them not quite hearing you when you say, "no doctor, really, it isn't stress" or "really, i'm telling you, they aren't migraines" or " for the 10,000th time, this medication really has never made a difference"!
I've found over the last few months, or really over the last few years, i've said this more and more. "Yeah, sure doc, whatever you say". "Of course it is the stress. Wow, definitely, it must be those darn migraines again." "Gosh, maybe I really do need anti-depressants and it is not jaw pain".
There are so many medical conditions out there that are misunderstood, and I am finding TMD has got to be one of those that fits within at least the top 20 or even top 10 of the most misunderstood in our medical community. It is so misunderstood that insurance companies often cannot even agree whether it is medical or dental, so often it is not covered by either. Praise be to God that I have coverage, but it is a very rare case someone is blessed with this (mine falls under medical).
My doctors here at home have little to no experience with TMD. I am actually one of the first cases my physical therapists have seen of TMD in their office. The one physical therapist from the College that came in the other day is a professor at St. Francis University, and he has seen less than 10 cases in his career. My own physician believes TMD is myofascial at heart and I just need to "relax" as he loves to say. The most he has done is refer me to a neurologist. When we found nothing wrong with my brain he agreed it is my neck and jaw, sent me to PT, prescribed me some drugs, and suggested I again, "relax". Not once was I referred to an oral surgeon. I had to do this on my own, remembering this was strongly urged by an ENT back in 2002 (he believed I needed surgery then but I didn't have insurance to cover it).
Anyway, back to my point. I have found myself getting to the point that I am just nodding my head, going along with what doctors say as I don't feel like battling it anymore. It seems their minds are made up before you even open your mouth. What feels even more true is that their ears are totally closed up. Do they ever listen to what you say? I swear I wonder if my primary doc even knows my jaw hurts? Just relax? I'm telling you if I hear that one more time i'm gonna smack someone! :) I know part of TMD is stress, but how do you relax when your jaw hurts all the time? Part of clenching is due to pain. Pain creates stress. I do meditation stuff, massage, heat and the like...which of course is awesome and can help, but it doesn't take away from the fact that my jaw is massively out of whack. Pain is pain Dr. Dude!
Alright, those good muscle relaxants are kicking in so it is time for bed before I start typing anything too crazy. Goodnight dear virtual readers...

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