Sunday, March 7, 2010

Not a Good Week

This is my dog Caroline. In this particular photograph, she looks like how I have been most of the week. To say my jaw has not been agreeing with me just does not suffice. It has been a down and out bad week.

For some reason, I have been having setback after setback with my jaw lately. Rather than improving with the drug therapy, new splint, and physical therapy, i'm getting worse. I shouldn't be all that surprised however, as it has been the pattern with me throughout my TMD battle. I have a small period of getting better, and then it climaxes and goes back downhill. It makes me so sad everytime.

As I have spent the day after church in bed and on drugs, I haven't been able to stop thinking about how long I still have till surgery. I know, it is now probably less than two months (if we get the date we're shooting for, May 3rd). Compared to before, this should feel like nothing. It is just when you are in enough pain, every second feels like eternity. I really don't know how i'm going to be able to take the wait.

I wish with all my being this was over. I know there are people suffering greater ailments and pain than I am, but all I can think about now is my pain. I can't get past what I am experiencing to realize how small it is in comparison. I hate that I cannot talk without my jaw spasming. I hate that if I try to eat anything other than soup, oatmeal, or canned fruit my jaw feels like it is in a vice. I hate that even resting it is painful. If i'm not eating or talking, I have difficulty getting my jaw out of the clenched position. I hate that if I lay my head to the side on my pillow, it sets off the nerves.

I want my life back. I want to feel energetic, free to talk painfree and able to eat real food again. I miss being social and having the energy to go out and do things. It pains me when I have to cancel on people because my body won't allow me the freedom to have fun.

Alright, it is time for another pain pill. Thank you to whomever is reading this, for taking the time to read my rant. I'm sorry this is such a downer post; it is just how I feel at the moment. Journaling really is very therapeutic.


  1. Hi Laura, I was just at Asher and Jacob's friends site and noticed about your blog. just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and I hope things get better for you very soon!

  2. Nathalie from FranceMarch 14, 2010 at 4:13 AM

    Hi Laura,
    I hope you are feeling somewhat better. Don't worry about the ranting, wr are here to give you some support and pray for you in this difficult times. Let us know when you have a date for the surgery. in the meantime I hope you can manage the pain with pills.
    praying for you
    Nathalie from France.
